RJ Eskow

Progressive Journalism for an Age of Crisis

The Zero Hour is a nationally-syndicated, progressive radio & TV show hosted by Richard “RJ” Eskow.

Established in 2014, The Zero Hour is a one-hour television program, a syndicated radio show, and a podcast. It reaches an estimated 1 million viewers and listeners each week. It has featured global and US activists and journalists. It has featured elected officials such as Sens. Bernie Sanders, Jeff Merkley, Sherrod Brown, and Tammy Baldwin; and Reps. Pramila Jayapal, Ro Khanna, and John Larson, along with global voices such as Pepe Escobar, Vijay Prashad, and Tariq Ali. Regular guests include economist Richard Wolff, journalist Max Blumenthal, author Thomas Frank, and writer/publisher Nathan J. Robinson.

The host and managing editor is Richard (RJ) Eskow, one of America’s leading progressive journalists.   He has served as a chief writer and editor for the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign; a Fortune 500 healthcare executive; a student activist; an economic consultant in more than 20 countries; a songwriter and a musician.

Why is it called “The Zero Hour”? Because humanity is at a turning point and must act now. From economic inequality to the future of evolution, from spiritual upheaval to endless war, from the fate of democracy to the survival of the planet itself—this is The Zero Hour. The Zero Hour practices advocacy journalism, which means it expresses opinions but is committed to getting the facts right.



“Thank you for everything you do, Richard, not just for me but for all of us.”

— Marianne Williamson, author, teacher

“… one of my absolute favorite left-wing media institutions.”

—Nathan J. Robinson, editor and publisher, Current Affairs

“Everybody on the Hill reads Eskow.”

—Chief of Staff to a United States Senator and former presidential candidate

“If you want to know about the issues that are affecting Congress and, more importantly, Social Security, watch The Zero Hour.”

—Rep. Raul Grijalva, former co-chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus

“I admire what you have been saying to which I can only respond “Amen!” because I couldn’t say it as well — especially about the story of America that needs to be told.”

—Bill Moyers, author, broadcaster, former senior White House official

“If it has to do with public policy, if it has to do with science, if it has to do with politics, philosophy, religion, if it has to do with the human condition, RJ gets it – and has a take on it, and, in all probability, has a solution for it. Welcome to this extraordinary program with an extraordinary host …”

—Thom Hartmann, nationally syndicated radio host and bestselling author

“Tune in to The Zero Hour. You’ll be glad you did!”

—Rep. Jan Schakowsky

“… a valuable social service. Thank you for having a program that is willing and able and daring to put these kinds of ideas out …”

—Richard Wolff, Economist, Host of Economic Update on Free Speech TV

“ … one of my favorite interviewers. This is one of my favorite shows, and it gives me a platform to talk about issues that are completely off-limits in our corporate, bought-off, sold-out, dumbed-down media …”

—Max Blumenthal, journalist and author

“To my mind, what RJ Eskow does on The Zero Hour is one of the most important interventions in our media. His shows go deep on fundamental issues …This show is important.”

—John Nichols, National Affairs correspondent, The Nation

“If it has to do with public policy, if it has to do with science, if it has to do with politics, philosophy, religion, if it has to do with the human condition, RJ gets it – and has a take on it, and, in all probability, has a solution for it.”

—Thom Hartmann, nationally syndicated radio host and bestselling author

“Huffington Post founders thought the celebrities from Huffington’s gold-plated Blackberry were going to be The Thing … Instead, editors learned that readers cared more about good writing and a passionate point of view … previously unknown writers, such as the consultant RJ Eskow …emerged as the unlikely breakout star bloggers …”

—Eric Boehlert, “Bloggers On the Bus: How the Internet Changed Politics and the Press” (Free Press/Simon & Schuster, 2009)


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